We are now approximately one-third of the way through the 2022 session. As of noon today, 412 bills have been introduced. The legislature will not meet on President’s Day, February 21.
The House Judiciary Committee spent a late night on a contentious bill (HB 22-1131) involving young people who are in the criminal justice system. After 60 witnesses (during a snowstorm), the Committee did not take action on the bill, but laid it over for amendments.
The House spent the week debating a bill to require the state (rather than local governments) to regulate bicyclists rolling through controlled intersections (stop signs or traffic signal) at a certain speed.
Meanwhile in the Senate, legislators spent a lot of time debating a bill prohibiting the use of deceptive interrogation tactics with minors. Ultimately, this pitted law enforcement against juvenile justice advocates. In the Senate Business Committee, bill (SB 22-094) was killed as it would have been extremely costly to property and casualty insurers thereby threatening the affordability and attainability of insurance in the state.
The mid-year budget adjustments (supplemental appropriations) have passed the legislature and now await consideration by the Governor. The Joint Budget Committee will now concentrate full-time on figure setting for FY 2022-23.