
Constructing solid, reliable relationships is a crucial component to thrive in an ever-changing industry. RMAA facilitates networking opportunities through numerous activities including annual meetings, trade shows and scholarship fundraisers. Interacting with agribusiness peers and vendors is an excellent chance to share ideas and advance career potential. Besides delivering a reprieve from day-to-day labor, RMAA networking events and programs are an indispensable resource for industry veterans and newcomers alike.

The Rocky Mountain Agribusiness Association - What's in it for you?

Plenty, but don’t just take our word for it. Take a good, hard look at Rocky Mountain Agribusiness Association, a champion for the agribusiness industry and its leaders, and what it can offer you. If there was one word to describe our member benefits, it would be 'more'!

More business contacts

A broader networking base

More competitive edge

Industry tailored educational programs

More information

Exhibits of the latest trends and technology

More say in State issues that affect you

A Legislative voice

More prestige

A commitment to excellence

More exposure

Advertising opportunities

Our annual conference and trade show, held in January, brings suppliers and buyers together in the exhibit hall, in the workshops and in the hospitality functions. Your annual dues dollars make it possible for reduced registration and exhibit fees. We also hold educational and safety seminars periodically throughout the State.

Annual membership dues is an investment that can be returned to you many times over, not only in reduced registration fees, but in business contacts generated from RMAgBiz affiliation. Your membership in RMAgBiz is a personal commitment to excellence; a commitment that you can make by applying for membership today!

Download the Application

Ready to get started?

Membership Benefits


  • Legislative Advocacy - There's power in numbers. Unite for a strong voice for the industry. Monitor and influence agriculture related policy making and have input on industry issues to help influence your future
  • Realize the benefit of arbitration - Arbitration is a quick, inexpensive and practical alternative to resolving trade disputes in court.


  • Annual Convention and Trade Show - this is the event to attend to learn what is happening in your industry, build strong business relationships, keep in touch with old friends and make new ones!
  • Annual Membership Meeting - network with industry insiders on a social as well as a professional level in a resort atmosphere. Pool knowledge and share resources.
  • Educational and Safety Seminars - offered at discounts for our valued members.
  • Scholarships - RMAA presents seven $1,000.00 undergraduate scholarships annually. Scholarships are offered to high school seniors and college-aged students of RMAA members.


  • RMAA Membership Directory and Reference Guide - printed annually. and soon available digitally as well.
  • Members receive RMAA eNews via email - your best source for keeping up to date on industry issues, activities, rules and regulations which affect your day to day operations - both state and national.
  • Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities - gain visibility and exposure within the industry. We offer advertising opportunities in our annual Membership Directory and Reference Guide that is seen and used by over 600 industry professionals.

Membership Fees

Any person, firm or corporation doing business in the Rocky Mountain Region is eligible to become a member of Rocky Mountain Agribusiness Association. Said person, firm, or corporation must have an established business with facilities and equipment to conduct business, and possess all licenses, permits, and other documents required by state law.

Join Now
*The Legislative Action Fund is earmarked for legislative/regulatory issues in Colorado and the nation. RMAA is asking for a contribution of up to 20% of your RMAA Annual dues to be earmarked to the Fund. With your continued support, we will ensure that our industry's voice is heard and not lost in the halls of government.

*Each investment level affords the voting members a designated number of additional company employees to be listed as associate members who will receive RMAA announcements & materials.


Two $2,500.00 scholarships are available to the child of any Rocky Mountain Agribusiness Association member-in-good-standing who has completed at least one semester of undergraduate study and is currently at an accredited college or university. The candidate should have demonstrated excellent academic leadership ability, community service and activities. The RMAA board selects the recipients.

Scholarship Application Deadline

Scholarship applications must be received by April 15th

Scholarships will be awarded in May.

The funds to support the scholarship program are all raised at the annual Winter meeting and Scholarship Golf Outing in September.

2024 Scholarship application period has closed, check back for 2025 Scholarship info.

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