We have less than five weeks left in this legislative session. The budget passed the House last week and the Senate debated the bill (HB 22-1329) this week. The bill had its final vote on Thursday and passed the Senate (22-12). Now that it has passed both chambers, it will go to conference committee and will then go to the Governor’s desk for his signature.
We continue to see bills introduced that would allocate federal stimulus dollars. SB 22-200 provides grants to modernize technology for rural health care providers; HB 22-1364 allocates dollars to food pantries; and HB 22-1356 provides grants for small community-based non-profits.
Two bills with opposition from various industries (business, agriculture, manufacturing, etc.) had lengthy committee hearings this week. The first- HB 22-1244 (Public Protections from Toxic Air Contaminants Air Toxins) - creates a new program within CDPHE to regulate toxic air contaminants. The second- HB 22-1355 (Producer Responsibility Program for Recycling) - would shift the cost of recycling programs from local governments to the producers of recycled materials and thus help increase recycling rates.
We also have several bills that focus on the oil and gas industry – SB 22-198 Orphaned Oil & Gas Wells Enterprise; HB 22-1348 Oversight of Chemicals Used in Oil & Gas; and HB 22-1361 Oil & Gas Reporting.
Seen as a victory for the business community, we heard this week that the legislature will not consider a bill proposed last year called the POWR Act. This bill addresses workplace harassment issues. The fate of a collective bargaining bill is still unknown.